Critical Security Update for CapaInstaller
title | Security Update |
Note |
Critical: An attacker could initiate a SQL injection, allowing them to execute SQL commands to upload and execute arbitrary code that may harm the target system. CVE: No CVE available |
An attacker could get access to computer information on the public frontend if the password configured on the frontend were too weak.
The This update removes the option to retrieve computer information on the public frontend.
Make sure passwords are strong on the frontend don’t use 1234 or password etc.
CVE: No CVE available
CapaOne Agent Update:
The CapaOne Agent Installation Package has been updated, now it will always download and install the newest CapaOne Agent.
To make sure all CapaOne Agents are up-to-date, run the CapaOne Agent Installation job on all computers.
Management Portal and Self-Service Portal