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titleApple Push Notification Service Update

Apple has announced a new protocol must be used for the Apple Push Notification service as of March 29th, 2021 as well as a new root certificate must be incorporated in the MDM solution.

In CapaInstaller 6.1 both have been implemented. To make installations simpler and easier to maintain, Apple Push Certificate in CapaInstaller 6.1 is uploaded to CapaInstaller's s Cloud service - the certificate is no longer installed on MDM server(s). The certificate is uploaded to CapaInstaller MDM Portal.


 Request and generate or update an Apple Push Certificate


In the "System Administration" module, select menu item "Actions", then select "Apple Push Certificate request.."


Wizard starts, press the "Next" button to proceed


If the "Verify OpenSSL" isn't status Passed go to Install OpenSSL

If the "Verify access to Capainstaller certificate request signing service" isn't status passed you must:

First, try to open a browser on the machine from which you run this wizard. Open the following URL:

Ensure that port 7000 is opened from the CapaInstaller server out to the internet. The certificate request signing service is placed on a Capainstaller server at port 7000.


Select an output folder. Press the "Start" button, and click "Next" when the certificate request is finished

5Now you have created the certificate request which has been signed by CapaSystems and stored in the previously selected output folder

Press the "Open Apple Push Certificates Portal"


Log in with your Apple Push Certificates Portal account


Press the "Renew" tab


If this disclaimer appears then just accept it


Press "Choose File" and select the file named: plist_encoded, it is stored in the output directory, and click "upload"


Now you should get the real certificate as shown in the picture.

First, you should open your calendar and insert an alert that will expire a month before the certificate's expiring date. This will help you recall when to get a new certificate.


You should now press the "Create Certificate File" button in the CapaInstaller certificate Wizard in order to continue the certificate issuing process.


In the "Apple certificate File" select the certificate downloaded from the Apple push Cert page. (Named: MDM_something.pem)

When that is done, press the start tab and then click next


Now you have the Apple Push Certificate in your output folder (File extension is pfx)


A new Apple Push Certificate has been generated and uploaded to CapaOne.


Logon to and select Certificates


Check the certificate is uploaded and valid
