Reruns the CapaInstaller Service Agent. From a VBScript package, a registry key is created to instruct the CiStub service to start a ‘Remote run’. In the PowerShell implementation a ‘CallHome’ Unitcommand is created in the SQL database.
CMS_RunSystemAgent() As Boolean
[bool]CMS_RunSystemAgent -delay <string>
delay (string)
The delay after which the CallHome unitCommand will be executed.
The format used for delay is very simple. Here are some examples:
‘2m’ is two minutes.
‘1h’ is one hour
‘4h35m11s’ is four hours, thirty-five minutes and eleven seconds
‘2m30s’ is two minutes and thirty seconds
‘0s’ or '' (an empty string) equals no delay and means that the command will be executed right after the current agent run.
Return value
Boolean, TRUE if function completed successfully.
Boolean, TRUE if function completed successfully.
If bStatus Then bStatus = CMS_RunSystemAgent()
# run the system agent in 2 minutes
CMS_RunSystemAgent -delay '2m'
# run the system agent in one and a half hour
CMS_RunSystemAgent '1h30m'
# run the system agent after the current run has finished
CMS_RunSystemAgent -delay '0s'