SQL Server Permission configuration for Setup Wizard

SQL Server Permission configuration for Setup Wizard


This document will explain the required SQL Server permission for running a successful database install or update of CapaInstaller with the Setup Wizard.

You need one of the following permissions, to run a successful install or update of the CapaInstaller database.



Install a new databaseIn order to create a new CapaInstaller database, you need one of the following server permissions. dbcreator, Create any database, or Alter any database.
Upgrade databaseThe used login needs to be a member of the db_owner role or be granted the permission Control (GRANT CONTROL TO [user]).
Install in an empty databaseYou can also install the CapaInstaller database in an already created empty database. In order to do this, the used login needs to be a member of the db_owner role.

Read more about permission onĀ Microsoft.com.