Create a new PXE server

Create a new PXE server


The following is a description of how to create a PXE server. This can be done in several ways. Depending on the infrastructure provided and the availability and placement of DHCP servers, you can choose between a number of scenarios when building DHCP/PXE environments.



One DHCP, one PXE

This is the simple model where the DHCP doubles as the PXE server or simply refers to the PXE server by using 66.

Many DHCPs, one PXE

All DHCP servers point to the IP of the PXE server. OSD will automatically use the server address provided by DHCP.

One DHCP, many PXEs

When you use one PXE server from different DHCP servers or scopes, option 66 is used to refer the client to the server.

Select the PXE server manually from a list

If you want to manually select from a list of available PXE servers, build a number of copies of boot.wim and add additional menu lines to the cipcc.cfg file. Each boot.wim should point to a specific server name in OSDLoader.ini.




Click File menu, click New and then _Create PXE Boot server_.


Fill in all fields.



Select the PXE Boot service to use, and specify any additional settings.  


Specify credentials used to access the SQL Server, this only appears if you selected ciBoot in the previous step.  


Specify name of the server and the root Deployment Point to connect it to.  


Click Commit on create the new PXE server

For further information about PXE servers, PXE Servers.
For information on configuring DHCP to support OSD, /wiki/spaces/CIDD/pages/18933777231.