Intercepting unit files

Intercepting unit files

Depending on network topology a CapaInstaller installation could have 1, 5, 10, or 100 Front-end servers on the inside of the DMZ and also multiple Front-end servers in DMZ's all over the world. In such a setup, it is almost guaranteed, that a computer linked to one server eventually will connect to a Front-end server (and management server) to which, it is not linked. 

Unit files

The file requests that are intercepted are job(.jps), catalog(.xml), calendar(.xml), printer(.xml), powerscheme (.xml), group(.grp) and unit (.unt) files.

When a client unsuccessfully queries unit related files on a Front-end server it responds to this uploading a unit file (.unt) on the server. The assigned Replicator then generates the unit files. Because the Replicator can be busy at times and because the request is queued, this can take a considerable amount of time.

In the diagram above, there is a client with a base agent. The client is linked to a management server in Rome but is now on a field trip to Italy. Because the company HQ is located in Verona, that is where the Public URL is pointing. Neither the Frontend server 2 nor Frontend server 1 host the unit files for the client.

In this situation, the Frontend server 2 can intercept all file requests to unit files, and generate them on the fly. This is a big advantage since the client does not detect the difference between a Front-end server connected to the linked management server and a Front-end server that intercepts the calls and generates the files dynamically.

The command-line argument to add to Frontend server 2 is; /intercept=true.


It is not possible to reinstall a unit when only using Intercept. A relay to the unit's management server has to be set up.

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