Add new report item criteria

Add new report item criteria


If you have already opened the Define Report Criteria form, you can choose another report item, and create a criteria on that.




Click Tools/Define criteria.


Open the Define Report Criteria form.


In the Define Report Criteria form click the Add new report item button



Select the report item or static item, to create a criteria on. Click OK and you will return to the Define Report Criteria form to create the criteria.

If you want to...

You can...

Create a custom made report

Create a report to see how.

Report Static criteriaReport Static criteria can be applied like normal criteria

Preview a report

Preview a report to see how.

See recent reports

File/Recent reports, a list of the recently used reports will show.

Setup Columns

Column setup to see how.

Export to reporting services

Deploy to reporting services to see how.

Change column order

Reporting column order to see how.

Open an existing report

Open an existing report to see how.