Scripting Guidelines
Scripting Guidelines for using CapaInstaller Scripting Library
Through years of experience in scripting, CapaSystems has developed a concept for making safe scripting.
This help file describes in detail the core script component called CapaInstaller Scripting Library. CapaInstaller Scripting Library is a function library where standard VBS (Visual Basic Scripting) functions has been wrapped in jacket routines. The reasons to do so are many: handle the deployment log, secure deployment integrity, more simple and standardized code etc.
To include the CapaInstaller Scripting Library, in the script, you must include the following code in the script:
Dim bStatus Private Function IncludeScript(sScriptFile) Dim oLocalFso Dim sCmd Dim sClientDir Dim oLocalShell 'Begin bStatus=True On Error Resume Next Set oLocalShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") sClientDir=oLocalShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\CapaSystems\CapaInstaller\Client Directory") If bStatus and (sClientDir<>"") Then Set oLocalFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") sCmd = oLocalFso.OpenTextFile(sClientDir & "\Lib\" & sScriptFile,1).ReadAll Else bStatus=False End If ExecuteGlobal sCmd IncludeScript=bStatus End Function Function Install() Dim bStatus bStatus=True 'Begin 'Place your own code here Install=bStatus End Function 'Begin bStatus=True If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeScript("Includes.cis") If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeScript("customlib.cis") If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeScriptingLibrary("CapaInstaller Scripting Library.cin") If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_Start("WS","Demo script","1.0","DemoScript.log","INSTALL") If bStatus Then bStatus=Install() Job_End(bStatus) 'End main
Script Comments:
The function IncludeScript includes the customer-specific CapaInstaller module CustomLib.cis and the standard library includes.cis. Includes.cis contains a function to include the CapaInstaller Scripting library.
Before CapaInstaller functions can be used the library must be initialized. This is done from the function call Job_Start. When a Job has finished the function Job_End must be called.
See Job_Start and Job_End function description for further details.