OS Deployment options

OS Deployment options

 OS Deployment options

 Detailed description of the configurable options...

Mount folder

Mount folder: Specify the folder in which to temporarily mount the Windows PE when the OS Deployment Point is configured

 Remove folders after unmount: Select if the temporary mount folders should be removed after unmount

OSDGUI Boot files, used for Legacy clients

 Use OSDClient for Legacy clients: Select if OSDClient should be used to handle the deployment of Legacy clients, replacing OSDGUI

WAIK or ADK files: Specify the path to the WAIK and ADK files

OSDClient Boot ADK files, used for UEFI and Legacy clients

ADK files: Specify the Path to the ADK files


Administrator: Specify the user or group of users that should be able to manage the solution. It is highly recommended to specify a domain/AD security group.

OSD Client installations logs

Client log folder: Folder to store client log files in. The folder will be located on the backend server.

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