Host SelfUpdate

Host SelfUpdate


In order to ensure all CMS installations run on the same version an Update Detection system has been implemented. This is done to prevent damage to the system and to raise the overall stability when working with CMS. There are two scenarios in which an update will be detected. During host startup and every 10 minutes when the application is running.
During startup
If a system update is detected a prompt will inform you that you need an update. If self-update requirements are met the console will begin a self-updating process and once this is done it will reopen itself
During execution
If a system update is detected during execution you will receive a similar notice but you will have an option to wait. If you select wait you postpone the message 2 minutes after which you will be prompted to update again.

You can wait as long as you want but it is recommended to let the host update immediately when an update is detected.
If self-update requirements are not met the console will not be able to update itself and you will be prompted to contact your system administrator to correct the problem.

Self Update Requirements:
The latest HealthCheck Service installed.

It is recommended to use the included CapaInstaller Console package to install the console which is available in the CapaInstaller 4 package folder. This package will ensure future updates can be applied automatically.