Create a new smartphone or tablet

Create a new smartphone or tablet


Smartphones and tablets can be created from the File Menu in Unit view or by right-clicking on the different unit folders or Business unit.




Unit name

Name of the device.

Unit typeType to define the device. The type can only be iOS for smartphones and tablets.
PlatformSelect the platform for the device
ModelSelect the specific model or choose Auto to detect to define the model from the inventory


The unique number for the device. If the device does not have a cellular connection, it will not have an IMEI number

Serial numberThe serial number of the device. This is the same serial number, as collected from the hardware inventory




Management Point or folder to place the new device in.

Business unitLink the device to the selected Business unit

Bind to server

Name of the container the Unit will be connected to and where it will deliver its Inventory to and get it packages from.

DepartmentLink the device to the selected department
Primary userSelect the primary user for the device from Active Directory. If the user does not exist, it will be created in the database

Copy of unit

You can make the new device a copy of another unit, then it will be linked to the same groups and packages.

Change description

Description of the changes to the Changelog.




Open Asset Management in Asset view, click File/New or right click on the folder or Business Unit you want to contain the new unit and click New Unit.  

2Type the Unit name you want, this must be unique and aligned with your company standards.  
3Select Smartphone or Tablet in the Unit type.


Select the Platform for the device. For smartphones and tablets, the platform can only be iOS.

5Select the specific device model or select auto select for the model to be defined from inventory


Enter the device's unique IMEI number. Either the IMEI number or serial number must be filled out.


Type the serial number of the device. If you do not know the serial number, leave the input empty and it will be collected from the device.


Choose the Point/folder.  

9Select a Business Unit for the device


Choose from the list which server you want to bind the unit to.

11Select a department for the device
12Select the primary user of the device from the active directory


If you want to use another unit to copy from, please enter the unit name.


Enter comments and click OK. The unit is now available in the tree view list.

If you want to...

You can...

Add a query

Create a query to see how.

Delete a group

Right-click on the Application Group and click delete.

Make a Device inactive

Right-click on the device and click Set inactive.

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