Discovered files

Discovered files


The following is a description of the Discovered files folder in Software Management. Every .exe file located on any computer will be entered. In order to understand the flow from founding to registered software, please see the step by step guide below.



Known files

As an administrator you will walk through the “other files” folder and locate applications you want to register as applications, this can be for the purpose of metering or tracking.

Other files

Letters from A-Z is assigned to folders in which the located .exe files are saved in alphabetic order when located. These folders will contain any .exe file not registered as an application yet.

Right-clicking on a known application brings the following possibility:



Unregister file scan

Remove the file from the known files folder.


Right-clicking on an unknown application brings the following possibility:



Define application name

Adding a name to a .exe file will move it up to the known files folder. Add the name and click OK.


The registration of exe files by a file scan




The software inventory agent locates exe files and enters it to the “other files” folder.


Software is registered as known software and added to the “known files” folder, by giving it an application name. Now the application will be registered by the next file scan and moved to the All Software folder.


From the All Software folder you can manage the software by adding a license, link to groups, etc. You can edit any file on the software by a right-click on a property and click Edit.


Once the software is registered correctly you can use it in your daily operations.
Work with software to be inspired.

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