Reporting column order

Reporting column order


Ensuring the correct columns are presented in the order you want, use this feature to order them. You can also delete an unwanted column. Delete will not only remove the column from the view but also remove the data and deselected the item.




Click on the Tools/Reporting column order.


Click on Up/Down to order the columns in the order you want.



Click Delete if you want to remove some of the columns and deselect the item.


Click OK.

If you want to...

You can...

Create a custom made report

Create a report to see how.

Preview a report

Preview a report to see how.

See recent reports

File/Recent reports, a list of the recently used reports will show.

Setup Columns

Column setup to see how.

Export to reporting services

Deploy to reporting services to see how.

Change column order

Reporting column order to see how.

Define report criteria

Define report criteria to see how.

Open an existing report

Open an existing report to see how.