How to use Patch Management

How to use Patch Management


The following contains a number of step-by-step procedures describing how to use Patch Management.



Approve updates

How to approve updates and change their status.

Customize computers

Adding computers to the different modes and computers groups can be done either by drag-and-drop or by using the right-click menu. Look here to see how.

Customize categories

Learn to customize categories.

Customize classifications

Learn to customize classifications.

Create root PointCreates the root Point
Create child PointCreate on or more child Points
Create GroupCreate on or more Groups
Re-create Points and GroupsUse this function, if one or more of your Points or Groups are missing or deleted

Handle daily operations

Understand how to handle to daily operations.

Install WSUS Server 3.0

Learn to install WSUS Server.

Troubleshoot Patch Management

Learn to troubleshoot Patch Management.



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