Intellisense for CMS functions in VS Code

Intellisense for CMS functions in VS Code

The CMS Functions are implemented as a cmdlet. This means that they are available in your scripts from the outset, meaning that you don’t have to import the module in which the functions are located. Nevertheless, by importing the cmdlet, your VS Code editor gains intellisense functionality for the whole cmdlet.



Having Intellisense means that the editor will try to guide you completing the current line of code, as shown above where I’ve written CMS_, and because the Editor knows of the functions in advance, it is able to assist me by showing all functions starting with ‘CMS_


After having selected the function that I wanted, I can now have parameters shown on ‘mouse over’

This all happens because I have notified the VS Code of the CiScripting module, by explicitly importing it, in the terminal window. If you do not have a terminal window in the bottom of the editor, you can get it in the ‘Terminal’ menu;


Then you can import the CISscripting module by writing ‘import-module CIScripting’ and hitting ‘Enter’



If you do not get the Intellisense functionality right away, you may need to restart VS Code.


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