


Shows a messagebox to the logged on user


[string] $InputObject.ShowMessageBox(caption, text, buttons, default, iconStyle, timeOut aSync)

Considerations for Æ Ø Å

There are no specific considerations for the use of special characters (unlike Sys_BreakThruMsgBox)


sCaption (String)

Title of the messagebox

sText (String)

Text in the messagebox

sButtons (String)

Specifies button-type. Valid values: 'OK', 'YESNO', 'YESNOCANCEL', 'ABORTRETRYIGNORE', 'OKCANCEL' and 'RETRYCANCEL'

sDefault (String)

Specifies the default button in messagebox. Valid values:  'ONE', 'TWO' or 'THREE'

sIconStyle (String)

Used Icon-style in messagebox. Valid values: 'STOP', 'QUESTION', 'EXCLAMATION', 'INFORMATION'

iTimeOut (integer)

This is the timeout of the messagebox shown. If the user has not clicked any of the buttons withing the timeout, the default button is returned

bASync (Boolean)

Specifies if the messagebox displays asynchronously(True) or waits for the user to respond(False)

Return value

Result will be returned from the function. Valid answers are: 'OK', 'YES', 'NO', 'ABORT', 'RETRY', 'CANCEL' and 'IGNORE'



$cs.Job_WriteLog("Messagebox:","Showing MessageBox") $messageBoxResponse = $InputObject.ShowMessageBox("MessageBox title", "This is a test messageBox from a PowerPack (æøå). Please click one of the three buttons below", "YESNOCANCEL", "TWO", "Info", 180, $false) $cs.Job_WriteLog("Install:","response: $messageBoxResponse")

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