


With this profile, you can set wallpaper on the Home Screen, Lock Screen, or both. If you want a different wallpaper, you need to create a profile for each of them.

Apple Developer Documentation

This profile will only work on a Supervised iOS device with iOS 8 or newer or a Supervised iPadOS device with iPadOS 13 or newer.

The policy is a unit command send to the device. Removing the policy will not remove the wallpaper. To remove the wallpaper, you need to manually remove the wallpaper on the device.

Creating a new policy and link to the device will overwrite the current wallpaper.

Apple Developer Documentation | Wallpaper

Step-by-step Guide

This guide describes how to create the profile, import it into the console, and link it to a device


Logon https://mdm.capaone.com



Select Profiles and click Create Profile



Click in the Policies field and select Wallpaper Policy

Click in the Supported Platforms field and select iOS



Click Placement and select the wanted placement



Click on Choose File



Browse to and select a file. Type a name in Policy Name and click Save



In CapaInstaller Console, open Configuration Management and select Profiles. Right click on Profiles and select Import from CapaOne



Select OK



The profile is imported into the console.

NB! It’s Read-only profile, changes must be made on CapaOne Portal and imported again.



Add the profile to buffer and link to a device.

Verify on the device the Home- and/or Lock Screen has changed.

Open Settings and select Wallpaper.


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