Agent Telnet and Web Servers

Agent Telnet and Web Servers

The agent Telnet and web servers are by default enabled on port 4003 and 4007 respectively. By default, access is restricted to local clients.
The web server can be enabled either through the configuration distributed by PerformanceGuard or by adding registry values on individual computers that run the agent.

Enable Through Distributed Configuration

In order to enable interface servers through the distributed configuration, select the configuration group for the agents that you wish to change, and then make sure that you configure at least one allowed client for each service.

Access to the interface is controlled in the Agent Service Parameters part of the agent configuration.

In the example, the agents in the configuration group will be accessible from:

  • Telnet: The local computer (all addresses in the class A network on TCP port 4003 (the default)
  • Web: The local computer (all addresses in the class A network on TCP port 4007 (the default)

When agents receive a configuration where the setup has changed for an interface, service will be restarted. Connected Telnet clients will need to reconnect.

Enable Through Registry

Using your favorite registry editor (for example regedit), navigate to the PerformanceGuard registry keys (usually located at HKLM\Software\PremiTech\e2eagent), and add entries:

  • WebServerPort and WebServerClientList for web server control

  • TelnetPort and TelnetClientList for Telnet server control

The values of these keys take precedence over the corresponding values in the configuration received from the PerformanceGuard backend server.

When you enable the agent Telnet or web server using the registry, you need to restart the agent. We recommended that you stop the agent while you edit the registry.

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