Computer Info Widget

Computer Info Widget

The Computer Info widget displays basic and detailed information about a selected computer.
You can view basic information like the computer's name, location, operating system, IP addresses and currently logged-in user as well as supplementary information like disk usage, memory, startup and login times, etc.

If you're allowed to manage widgets, you can specify which types of information should go on the widget's Overview and Details tabs respectively.

The widget's content is very straightforward, but here's some additional information about a few of the widget's items:

  • System Disk Usage

    Bar is blue when there's more than 2% free disk space. The color changes to yellow if there's between 2% and 0.5% free disk space, and to red if there's less than 0.5% free disk space.
  • Network Speed, Type

    If the computer has multiple network adapters, the information is taken from the adapter that's used for connecting to PerformanceGuard.
  • Public IP Address

    The public IP address is normally the same as the computer's local IP address, but if the computer is located behind a NAT-enabled router, the computer will use the public IP address of the router as its public IP address.
     What's NAT?
    It's short for Network Address Translation, a standard that lets you use one set of IP addresses for internal traffic and another set of IP addresses for external traffic. It's good for security, because it hides your organization's internal IP addresses from the public. It also helps save IP addresses, because many organizations can use the same sets of internal IP addresses without the risk of conflicts.
  • MAC Address

    If the computer has multiple network adapters, the MAC address is taken from the adapter that's used for connecting to PerformanceGuard.
  • Paging Memory

     What's paging?
    A paging file, also known as a swap file, is a file on the computer's hard disk in which Windows stores data that can't be held in the computer's RAM, for example when many programs run at the same time on the computer. You can manage the size of the paging file as part of Windows' advanced system settings.

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