Computer Search

Computer Search

On the computer search page (ANALYZE > Computers > Computer Search) you can quickly find computers that match specific search criteria:

  • Computer Name: Type all or part of the required computer's network name. The computer name is not case sensitive.

    Example: If you type ab, all computers with names like ab, AB, Abe, cabinet, Scab, etc. will show up.

  • User Name: Use this field if you want to search for a user who is currently logged in. Just like the computer name (see the previous), the user name is not case sensitive.
  • Agent ID: Lets you base your search on the ID of the PerformanceGuard agent installed on the computer.
  • IP Address: Specify all or part of the required computer's IP address. For example, you can fill in just the first three IP address fields to search for all computers on a subnet.
  • Member of: Use if the required computer must be member of the selected location or group.
  • Not member of: Use if the computer mustn't be member of the selected location or group. Select the entry None to ignore this parameter.
  • Citrix servers only: Only list computers that are Citrix servers.
  • ICA clients only: Only list computers that have an ICA Client installed.

    If this option and the Citrix Server only option are both selected, only Citrix servers that have valid ICA Clients installed will be listed

  • Frontend Server: Only list computers whose PerformanceGuard agents deliver data to the selected PerformanceGuard Frontend server.
  • Rows: The maximum number of search results that you want to view per page.

You don't need to use all of the parameters.

When you click the Lookup button to perform the search, matches are shown below the search form. The colored indicators in the Activity column of the table represents the computer's activity level:

  • Green: The computer's PerformanceGuard agent delivered data within the last 30 minutes.
  • Yellow: The agent delivered data sometime between the last 30 minutes and the last 24 hours.
  • Red: The agent hasn't delivered any data in the last 24 hours.

The timing settings for computer activity are customizable and may have been changed in your organization. Ask your PerformanceGuard administrator if in doubt.

Click the link in the Computer Name column to view more information about a computer.

If you export the computer information, you can view more details—for example information about a computer's MAC address, free disk space and memory usage that you would otherwise need to delve deeper into the search results to view. See the following.


Click the Export button to export the search result as an .xls file. If installed, Microsoft Excel will open the file; otherwise you'll be prompted to save the file or open it with another program.

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