Computer Usage Chart

Computer Usage Chart

This graph shows usage counters (such as CPU, memory, ...) for a particular computer.

The period of time for which usage counters are kept may depend on whether the PerformanceGuard agent is installed on a computer with client operating system or on a computer with a server operating system. Your PerformanceGuard administrator can configure these keep periods as part of the advanced agent configuration group settings. Note that there are separate default configuration groups for servers and computers with regular client operating system.

To access the chart, select ANALYZE > Computers > Computer Search, and search for a computer.

Then, in the search results, click the name of the required computer, and then select the Usage Chart tab.

You can generate the following usage chart types:

  • CPU Usage: The CPU usage in percent.
  • Paging Free: Amount of free space (in MB) in the paging file.

     What's paging?

    A paging file, also known as a swap file, is a file on the computer's hard disk in which Windows stores data that can't be held in the computer's RAM, for example when many programs run at the same time on the computer. You can manage the size of the paging file as part of Windows' advanced system settings.

  • Physical memory Free: Amount of free physical memory in percent
  • Virtual Free: Amount of free virtual memory in percent.
  • Write I/O: Number of disk write operations in bytes per second.
  • Read I/O: Number of disk read operations in bytes per second.
  • Context switches: Context switches per second is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another. Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an executive or subsystem service.
  • Sent Bytes: The total amount of traffic (unfiltered), in KB per second, sent on the network card that the PerformanceGuard agent monitors.
  • Received Bytes: The total amount of traffic (unfiltered), in KB per second, received on the network that card the PerformanceGuard agent monitors.

If the predefined intervals don't suit you, select Custom to specify your own interval.

The samples in the graph will by default be Automatic. If you don't want this you can select Connect All  or set them to Disconnect All .

Connected samples

Disconnected samples

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