Active Directory

Active Directory

With Microsoft Active Directory (AD), users of your PerformanceGuard solution can log in to the PerformanceGuard web interface with their domain users' Microsoft Active Directory (AD) credentials. To control permissions, you map AD group membership to PerformanceGuard roles.

You can only do this if you're a PerformanceGuard administrator.

When you open the PerformanceGuard web interface for the first time, you may see that no roles have been assigned. See also Manage Users for more information about assigned access rights to these roles.

To solve this, assign PerformanceGuard roles to the individual PG users, Windows user groups or create users first and then assign roles to them:

Update AD Groups/Roles in PerformanceGuard

  1. Log in to the PerformanceGuard web interface as administrator.
  2. Select ADMINISTRATION > Setup > Users and Roles.
  3. Select the AD Group/Roles tab.
    1. When you click on Update AD groups - you add your AD domain User name and Password - It updates the AD groups list in PG according to the current changes in Win AD.
  4. Select required PerformanceGuard roles for the required Windows user groups.
    1. Group names will only be shown for the AD user shown on the AD Group/Roles page i.e. "The list of AD groups has been updated by USERNAME that has access to Active Directory".
    2. When you assign/create groups in Windows AD, you must re-log in to the computer that runs the browser in order to push the changes to the Windows user.
Add AD credentials to update the list of AD Groups. The password will be not be stored.

See also Synchronize Computers in Active Directory Groups to Agent Configuration Groups

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