Database Retention Periods

Database Retention Periods

You can define database retention periods (that is how long databases should keep data) in the PerformanceGuard web interface:

You can only do this if you're a PerformanceGuard administrator.

Backend Database

Select ADMINISTRATION > Setup > Parameters ad then select the Status tab.

Alternatively, you can define backend database retention parameters directly in the database if you edit the Value column of the Status table. SQL example:

use pguard

update pguard.status set value='600' where parameter='KEEP_PERIOD_AGGREGATE_DATA'

The backend server schedules and executes data deletion jobs according to these values. Any parameter value changes will take effect immediately. The following is a non-exhaustive list of parameters:


    Data from PerformanceGuard agents that haven't been online during this period will be deleted from the database.

    Unit: Hours

    Default value: 336 (336 hours = 14 days = two weeks)

    This parameter won't have any effect if you set it lower than the lowest value of the parameters KEEP_PERIOD_AGGREGATE_DATA, KEEP_PERIOD_TRANSACTION_DATA or KEEP_PERIOD_CITRIX_AGGREGATE_DATA.


    All performance data aggregated at trend level (hours) will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Days

    Default value: 470 (470 days = 15,4418 months = 1.25 years)


    Performance data related to transaction filters aggregated at agent group level will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Hours

    Default value: 1488 (1488 hours = 62 days = two 31-day months)


    Citrix session performance data will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Hours

    Default value: 1488 (1488 hours = 62 days = two 31-day months)


    Business Transaction Monitoring performance data aggregated at agent group level will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Hours

    Default value: 1488 (1488 hours = 62 days = two 31-day months)


    Business Transaction Monitoring performance data at agent level will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Minutes

    Default value: 10080 (10080 minutes = 168 hours = seven days = one week)


    Other performance data aggregated at agent group level will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Hours

    Default value: 1488 (1488 hours = 62 days = two 31-day months)


    Agent resource data will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Minutes

    Default value: 10080 (10080 minutes = 168 hours = seven days = one week)


    Agent process data will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Minutes

    Default value: 10080 (10080 minutes = 168 hours = seven days = one week)


    Detailed data (AGENT_TRAFFIC_DETAIL) will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Minutes

    Default value: 10080 (10080 minutes = 168 hours = seven days = one week)


    Aggregated data about unmonitored servers will be deleted after this period.

    Unit: Hours

    Default value: 48 (48 hours = two days)

Frontend Databases

Data retention periods (also known askeep periods) on frontend databases are also controlled by the agent configuration settings (ADMINISTRATION > Agent Configuration > Configurations > [Edit] > Advanced).

See also Agent Configuration Group Settings > Advanced.

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