Restore Database

Restore Database

PerformanceGuard supports the following relational database management systems:

  1. SQL Server 2012 (CPU license) from PerformanceGuard version 6.1.16
  2. SQL Server 2014 from PerformanceGuard version 6.5.100
  3. SQL Server 2016 from PerformanceGuard version 7.0
  4. SQL Server 2017 from PerformanceGuard version 7.4
  5. SQL Server 2019 RC1 have been tested with PerformanceGuard version 7.5 but no official release was available from Microsoft at the time of the release of PerformanceGuard 7.5

The following information was written when PerformanceGuard supported SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2. It describes how to restore a SQL Server 2008 R2 PerformanceGuard database that you have backed up. The procedure may vary slightly for other SQL Server versions, but you can still use the following as guidelines — also if you use newer SQL Server versions.

The following describes restoration of the PerformanceGuard backend server database, by default named pguard. If you want to restore a different database, substitute pguard with the name of the required database.

  1. Stop all PerformanceGuard services.

  2. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the required database server.

  3. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio's Object Explorer, locate the pguard database.

  4. Right-click pguard and select Tasks > Restore > Database.

  5. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio will typically remember your backed-up version of the PerformanceGuard database. When that's the case, select pguard in the From database menu:

    If you can't select pguard this way, select From device and click the browse button next to the field. Then click the Add button and locate your pguard.bak backup file at the location that you noted down when you backed up the database. When ready, click OK twice to return to the Restore Database dialog.

  6. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is now ready to restore your database and leave it ready to use by rolling back any uncommitted transactions. If you want to adjust the restore and recovery options, select the Restore Database dialog's Options page and make the changes that you require.

    When ready, click Next.

    The database will now be restored, and you'll be able to view the progress. When the restoration is finished, you'll see a confirmation message.

  7. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right-click the pguard database and select Properties to verify that the restored database matches your expectations, especially with regards to file size limits.

    When satisfied, click OK.

  8. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio's toolbar, click New Query:

  9. Enter the following in the new query window (the white area in the middle of the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window). Remember to replace 'password' with the actual required password for your database.


    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins where loginname = N'pguard')
            CREATE LOGIN pguard WITH PASSWORD = 'password', DEFAULT_DATABASE = pguard
            CREATE USER pguard FOR LOGIN pguard WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = pguard
            ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER pguard
            ALTER LOGIN pguard WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE = pguard
            ALTER USER pguard WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = pguard

    When ready, click the Execute button:

  10. Start all PerformanceGuard services again.

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