Streaming Data
Streaming Data
Martin M.
Joachim Hansen
Owned by Martin M.
Streaming data is characterized by one client request leading to a very large number of server responses. That fact makes it difficult to collect meaningful response time measurements about streaming data. If you are mainly interested in response times, recording of streaming data may therefore not be relevant.
If you are interested in the amounts of data traffic generated by computers, however, it can be highly relevant to be able to see which computers use a lot of streaming data.
To switch recording of streaming data on or off:
You can only do this if you're a PerformanceGuard administrator.
- Select ADMINISTRATION > Setup > Parameters
- Select the Frontend tab
- If you want to record streaming data, make sure the Discard Streaming Data check box is cleared.
If you don't want to record streaming data, make sure the check box is selected. - Save your changes.
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