AutoSteps icon is Missing

AutoSteps icon is Missing

Symptom: AutoSteps icon  doesn't appear in the computer's notification area (also known as system tray) after the AutoSteps has been installed.

Possible Cause and Solution:

The icon is always shown when AutoSteps is running. This is based on the assumption that you don't necessarily want your end users to be able to view the status and/or details of their AutoSteps. You can easily enable the icon if required. See the last of the possible causes in the following.

Even if the AutoSteps icon is meant to be shown on users' computers, there may be several reasons why it isn't:

  • AutoSteps hasn't been started yet

The icon isn't shown until the AutoSteps has been started. You have to run the application file of AutoSteps under \Program Files\PerformanceGuard\AutoSteps.

AutoSteps runs User context and not as a Service.

Start the application and icon will appear in the windows notification tray.