You have set up the scripts, have scheduled jobs and now you need to setup AutoSteps Job Heat Map Widget on your dashboard in order to view the monitoring results. You will use the Autosteps Chart Widget for the response time measurements that the scripts perform. For each script, you can configure the BTM widget to monitor that the system under test is running within acceptable thresholds.
You can create a new dashboard
and add specifically these two widgets listed under AutoSteps:
Select what You Want to View
Your PerformanceGuard administrator has typically set up the widget to show information about BTM metrics or BTM activities for one or more computers or locations.
When that's the case, you can simply use the Computer or Location and Time period menus in the top part of the dashboard to view the BTM metrics or activities when a particular computer or location uses it.
- Select the BTM activities that you want. These activities display the scripts that are a combination of a Script file, information about what program is to be used to execute the script and a set of execution parameters.
- Select the BTM metrics that you want. You can measure a number of metrics such as response times, availability and requests from a number of different Executors.
AutoSteps widget allows you to choose whether you want the widget to display individual job status (click on a displayed script category or executor group to expand the view) or view them as a combined category. You can always refresh
the Job status or click
to come back to the default view.
In BTM graph each series display a snapshot of your latest execution of the scripts at that particular point of time. AutoSteps will keep running, discover the error, alert you and provide detailed information about the problem where real user monitoring will not be able to comprehensively test for the functional correctness.