Known Issues - 7.0

Known Issues - 7.0

JIRA Issue
PG-11209The Performance Counter Configuration Utility has a blank counter on the Netlogon category which allows for an invalid Custom Counter configurationWill not be fixed
PG-12606Weekly report numbers may be off by 1Will not be fixed
PG-13556Agent loses counter objects that have changed id after agent started collectingPG 7.1
PG-12068Some Custom Counters are not collected by the agentPG 7.1

Advanced TCP Server Socket - no data collected


Active sessions count may be incorrect for Citrix Server Graph in single data points

PG 7.1

(Improvement) Make it possible to let user/admin choose Agent's reported IP address


Summary reports not sent (e-mail)

Will not be fixed

SQL Server; Named instances has an escaped backslash in display2.yml

Workaround: after installation, edit <INSTALL_DIR>\PerformanceGuard\display2\display2.yml

The last line in #Database Settings; the url must be corrected, so that the instance name is lead by only one backslash.

Example: edit  

url: jdbc:sqlserver://sqlserver\\instancename


url: jdbc:sqlserver://sqlserver\instancename

PG 7.0 P1
PG-13771Agents may crash on systems running Docker using Windows Containers(Windows 10 Anniversary Update & Windows Server 2016)PG 7.1
PG-13824Display2 loads an admin interface, listening on port 8081. This may prevent display2 from starting, if the port is already bound by other softwarePG 7.1
PG-13990Can not save application pingsPG 7.1