Secure Software Development
Your security is our priority !
That's why we design and develop our software with security in mind at every stage of the development lifecycle.
We design and develop software following the principles of ISO 27002 and DevSecOps.
ISO 27002 provides a more detailed and comprehensive set of security controls compared to ISO 27001.
DevSecOps is a mindset, that prioritizes security throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC).
It means that we :
conduct security assessments before, during, and after each development lifecycle
comply with security regulations and standards
are committed to protect customer data
proactively fix potential vulnerabilities that have not yet been exploited
have our products penetration testet by an external assessor
act fast when a vulnerability is reported
notify affected customers and the appropriate authorities in the event of a data incident
As a result, we provide software that is less vulnerable to attacks.
Please contact us at to report a vulnerability.