Custom inventory example
Custom inventory example
' Customer function for collecting custom inventory. Dim sVersion sBuild="1" Private Function GetDefaultUSer() Dim sxmlFile, oNodeList, sUser 'Begin On Error Resume Next bStatus=True If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_WriteLog("GetDefaultUSer","Get default user",bStatus,True) If bStatus Then sxmlFile=gsWorkstationpath & "Agent\" & gsWorkstationname & ".lgi" Set oxmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") If isObject(oxmlDoc) Then oxmlDoc.Load (sxmlFile) Set oNodeList = oxmlDoc.selectNodes("//Inventory/Section [@Value= " & Chr(34) & "Default User" & Chr(34) & "]") For each oNode in oNodelist sUser=Trim(Mid(oNode.Text,1,Instr(oNode.Text," ")-1)) Next End if End If If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_WriteLog("GetDefaultUSer","Found default user '" & sUser & "'",bStatus,True) GetDefaultUSer=sUser End Function Function GetDepartment(sUser) Dim bStatus, objUser, sDept 'Begin On Error Resume Next bStatus=True If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_WriteLog("GetDepartment","Get default user department",bStatus,True) Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://cn=" & sUser & ",cn=USERS,dc=Test,dc=local") If isObject(objUser) Then objUser.GetInfo sDept=objUser.Get("department") Else sDept="" End If If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_WriteLog("GetDepartment","Default user department '" & sDept & "'",bStatus,True) GetDepartment=sDept End Function Private Function CustomInventory() Dim bStatus 'Begin On Error Resume Next 'Avoid runtime errors bStatus=True 'initialize as True If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_WriteLog("CustomInventory","Custom Inventory Script build " & sBuild,bStatus,True) If bStatus Then sUser=GetDefaultUSer() If bStatus and (sUser<>"") Then If bStatus Then sDept=GetDepartment(sUser) If bStatus and (sDept<>"") Then If bStatus Then bStatus=Ini_WriteEntry(gsWorkstationPath & "Agent\" & gsWorkstationName & ".csi","Customer Inventory","Department",sDept) End If End If If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_WriteLog("CustomInventory","Custom Inventory Script end.",bStatus,True) CustomInventory=bStatus End Function
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