Uses regular expression to test if the specified string is valid as a computername.
To pass the test, it must be no longer that 15 characters and must only contain the following characters "a-z" (upper or lowercase), "0-9", "-" and "_".
ComputerName | the computer name to test | String |
Return Type
Boolean, TRUE if computername is valid, otherwise function returns FALSE.
The following example test a computer name specified by the user, and loops until the supplied computer name is valid.
Private Function IncludeScript(sScriptFile) '... End Function 'Begin bStatus=True If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeScript("customlib.cis") If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeLibrary("Capalib.cin") If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeLibrary("Osdlib.cin") If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_Start("WS","Script Name","1.0","ScriptName.log","INSTALL") If bStatus Then bStatus=OSD_Initialize() Do bValidName=False 'Display inputbox to user sRequestedComputername=InputBox("Enter computer name for this computer." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_ "Name can be between 1 and 15 characters long," & vbCrLf &_ "and can contain the following characters:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_ "'a-z' 'A-Z' '0-9' '-' '_'","CapaInstaller OSD",sRequestedComputername) 'validate length If Len(sRequestedComputername) >15 Then bStatus=Dialog_ShowWarning("The name specified is longer that 15 characters!") Else 'test for valid charaters. bValidName=Sys_IsValidComputerName(sRequestedComputername) If Not bValidName Then bStatus=Dialog_ShowWarning("The name specified contains illegal characters!") End If Loop Until bValidName Job_End(bStatus) 'End main
See Also
, multiple selections available,