


Creates a shortcut on in a specified location 


Desktop_CreateShortCut (sDescription, sShortcutFileName, sTargetPath, sArguments, sWorkingDirectory, sShortcutFolder, sIconLocation, iWindowStyle, sHotKey)


sDescription (String)

A description for the shortcut (e.g. "Calculator)

sShortcutFileName (String)

Name of the .lnk file (e.g. Calc.lnk)

sTargetPath (String)

Full path to the application (e.g. C:\Windows\calc.exe)

sArguments (String)

Commandline arguments, if any

sWorkingDirectory (String)

Working directory for the application

sShortcutFolder (String)

You can use Special folders Constants together with a path

sIconLocation (String)

Iconlocation (often found in the .exe file)

iWindowStyle (Integer)

Windows Style Constants (minimized, normal, maximized, etc.)

sHotKey (String)

Hotkey for executing shortcut (e.g. CTRL+ALT+W)


'Creates a shortcut on the users start menu
If bStatus Then bStatus=Desktop_CreateShortCut("Creates CapaInstaller scripts","CapaInstaller Manager.lnk",gsProgramFiles & "\CapaInstaller Manager\ciman.exe","", gsProgramFiles & "\CapaInstaller Manager",Folder_Programs & "\CapaInstaller",gsProgramFiles & "\CapaInstaller Manager\Ciman.exe",0,"CTRL+ALT+C") 
'Create a shortcut in c:\temp
If bStatus Then bStatus=Desktop_CreateShortCut("Creates CapaInstaller scripts","CapaInstaller Manager.lnk",gsProgramFiles & "\CapaInstaller Manager\ciman.exe","", gsProgramFiles & "\CapaInstaller Manager","C:\temp",gsProgramFiles & "\CapaInstaller Manager\Ciman.exe",0,"CTRL+ALT+C") 
'Creates a shortcut on all users desktop
If bStatus Then bStatus=Desktop_CreateShortCut("Create advanced CAD drawings","AutoCad 2000.lnk",gsProgramFiles & "\Autodesk\Autocad 2000\autocad.exe","/new /ddeexec=2", gsTempDir,Folder_AllUsersDesktop,gsProgramFiles & "\Autodesk\AutoCad\Autocad.ico",0,"")
'Creates a shortcut to notepad in the Send To folder.
If bStatus Then bStatus=Desktop_CreateShortCut("","Notepad.lnk",gsWindowsDir & "\notepad.exe","", gsTempDir,Folder_SendTo,gsWindowsDir & "\notepad.exe",0,"")

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