Get groups on Business Unit
Get groups on Business Unit
Returns groups of the specified type on a business unit
GetGroupsInBusinessUnit(ByVal businessUnit As String, Optional ByVal type As String = "") As ArrayList
Business Unit (String)
Type (String)
The type of group to retrieve.
- "Dynamic_ADSI"
- "Calendar"
- "Department"
- "Dynamic_SQL"
- "Reinstall"
- "Security"
- "Static"
The parameter is optional, meaning that it can be left out. This will cause all groups to be returned.
Return value
An arraylist, containing all requested groups are returned. Each element in the array is a joined line with the character defined with Set splitter.
Each joined line (j) consists of these variables;
- j.Name
- j.Type
- j.unitType.ID
- j.Description
- j.GUID
- j.ID
Set oCMS = CreateObject("CapaInstaller.SDK") Set aUnit = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") wscript.echo oCMS.SetDefaultManagementPoint("1") Set aUnit = oCMS.GetGroupsInBusinessUnit() for each item in aUnit wscript.echo item next