Get logon history for unit
Get logon history for unit
Gets a list of logon history information for a specific unit.
GetLogonHistoryForUnit(Byval UnitName as String, Byval UnitType as String) as ArrayList
UnitName (String)
Name or UUID of the unit to retrieve inventory for
UnitType (String)
Type of the unit
- "1" (Computer)
- "2" (User)
Return value
The function returns an array of Logon Inventory items. Each element (inv) in the array is a joined line with the character defined with Set splitter.
- inv.Category
- inv.Entry
- inv.Value
- inv.Datatype
- inv.GUID
- inv.ID
Set oCMS = CreateObject("CapaInstaller.SDK") Set aUnit = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") wscript.echo oCMS.SetDefaultManagementPoint("1") Set aUnit = oCMS.GetLogonHistoryForUnit("Klient","1") for each item in aUnit wscript.echo item next