Count conscom actions

Count conscom actions


Counts the number of conscom actions.


CountConscomActions() As Integer

CountConscomActions(Byval ManagementServerID as Integer) as Integer


ManagementServerID (Integer)

The management server ID to check for. If omitted, conscom actions for all servers are counted.

Return value

Integer. The number of conscom actions found.

Example 1

In this example, the number of conscom actions for the management server with id = 3 is returned

Set oCMS = CreateObject("CapaInstaller.SDK") 
wscript.echo oCMS.SetDefaultManagementPoint("1") 
wscript.echo oCMS.CountConscomActions("3") 

Example 2

In this example, the number of conscom actions for all management servers is returned

Set oCMS = CreateObject("CapaInstaller.SDK") 
wscript.echo oCMS.SetDefaultManagementPoint("1") 
wscript.echo oCMS.CountConscomActions()