Configuration Management options

Configuration Management options

 Configuration Management options

 Detailed description of the configurable options...


Choose an interval for clearing the Recent menu: Session, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

 Disable adding units to the recent node: If this is checked, units that are being worked with are no longer added to the recent node.

Restart Agent

Choose how you want to restart the Agent: Replicator or Console

Timeout: Set up timeout in seconds with the slider.

Lookup agent method: Choose the preferred method of locating a client. (Hardware Inventory, NetBIOS. FQDN or )

Choose the preferred auto close method: No autoclose, Auto close on success, Always auto close

Choose the number of retry attempts: 0-3


 Include folder structure by default during promoting

 Force structure change on already promoted objects

 Remove from the buffer after paste

 Exclude domain name in printer names (requires a restart of the console)

 Use IP-range lookup when sending WOL requests

 Use the CapaInstaller OS Deployment Service (CiOsDeploy) to send Wake On LAN

 Show primary and current user/computer in recent and search view

Choose the default option when packages advertised to members only, are added to units: Advertise or Install

Choose the casing of unit names (Requires console restart for full effect): As reported, All lower or All upper

Power scheme exception list

The exception list consists of a collection of application names that the power management checks for before putting the computers into sleep mode. If an application, which name is on the list, is running, it prevents the power management from putting the computer to sleep.

Application name: Add, Remove or Edit an application on the list

Group content

Choose the default behavior for each group type, when units are unlinked from groups.

 Packages, profiles, and device applications can be unlinked, removed/uninstalled or kept

Mobile Device Management

In this section, you can choose which countries are supported when working with iOS apps and in which order the system should use them.

When the system needs to search for an app in the App Store, it does so in the order of the countries on the list, starting from the top. If for example, you know most of your VPP apps are only available in a specific country, moving that country to the top of the list, will save time and resources when synchronizing Apple volume purchase programs.

 Select the regional App stores used when searching for iOS Apps: United States, Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Germany

The countries checked as 'Available in search' will be populated in the list of countries when you search for iOS apps during the creation of a Device Application.

It is important to note that the system does not save a country-specific version of the app, but merely its identifier. When installing the app on a device, it may be prevented by Apple's requirement that the iTunes store account on the device is linked to a country where the app is available.

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