PowerPack tips and examples
PowerPack tips and examples
All PowerPacks scripts must end with Exit-PSScript $Error or they will fail.
Exit-PSScript $Error
How to suppress recording any errors when using PowerShell commands (if supported).
Get-Process -Name 'dummy' -ErrorAction:Ignore
Create Functions - it is recommended to use the “approved” naming convention when creating functions. (Verb-Noun)
# get list of approved verbs
# simple function example
function Start-InitializeSDK {
$script:cms=New-Object -ComObject "CapaInstaller.SDK"
Write-Host $script:cms.GetDllVersion()
When calling Functions never use “( )” parentheses.
# Correct
# Wrong
How to encrypt passwords.
param (
if (!$Password.Trim()){Write-Error "You must type a password to encrypt" -ErrorAction Stop}
#generate random AES key using 256-bit
$Key = New-Object Byte[] 32
$pw = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force
$encPassword=ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $pw -Key $Key
Write-Host "Encrypted password:`r`n$encPassword"
Write-Host "AES key:`r`n$($key -join ',')"
Join domain.
try {
[string]$global:ou='OU=Windows 10,OU=Workstations,DC=internal,DC=mydomain,DC=dk'
### Download package kit
[bool]$global:DownloadPackage = $false
#load core PS lib - don't mess with this!
if ($InputObject){$pgkit=""}else{$pgkit="kit"}
Import-Module (Join-Path $Packageroot $pgkit "PSlib.psm1") -ErrorAction stop
#load Library dll
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: Starting package: '" + $AppName + "' Release: '" + $AppRelease + "'")
if(!$cs.Sys_IsMinimumRequiredDiskspaceAvailable('c:',100)){Exit-PSScript 3333}
if ($global:DownloadPackage -and $InputObject){Start-PSDownloadPackage}
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$PackageRoot:` '" + $Packageroot + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$AppName:` '" + $AppName + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$AppRelease:` '" + $AppRelease + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$LogFile:` '" + $LogFile + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$TempFolder:` '" + $TempFolder + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$DllPath:` '" + $DllPath + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$global:DownloadPackage`: '" + $global:DownloadPackage + "'")
$domainInfo=Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
if ($domainInfo.PartOfDomain -eq $false){
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -UseWindowsPowerShell -NoClobber -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
$cred=New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential $global:username,($global:encpass | ConvertTo-SecureString -key $global:aeskey)
if ($global:ou) {
add-computer -domainname $global:domain -credential $cred -oupath $global:ou}
else {
add-computer -domainname $global:domain -credential $cred}
$cs.Job_WriteLog("Computer is already joined to domain: $($domainInfo.Domain)")
Exit-PSScript $Error
catch {
$line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
$cs.Job_WriteLog("*****************","Something bad happend at line $($line): $($_.Exception.Message)")
Exit-PSScript $_.Exception.HResult
Enable local administrator account and set password.
try {
### Download package kit
[bool]$global:DownloadPackage = $false
#load core PS lib - don't mess with this!
if ($InputObject){$pgkit=""}else{$pgkit="kit"}
Import-Module (Join-Path $Packageroot $pgkit "PSlib.psm1") -ErrorAction stop
#load Library dll
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: Starting package: '" + $AppName + "' Release: '" + $AppRelease + "'")
if(!$cs.Sys_IsMinimumRequiredDiskspaceAvailable('c:',1500)){Exit-PSScript 3333}
if ($global:DownloadPackage -and $InputObject){Start-PSDownloadPackage}
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$PackageRoot:` '" + $Packageroot + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$AppName:` '" + $AppName + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$AppRelease:` '" + $AppRelease + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$LogFile:` '" + $LogFile + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$TempFolder:` '" + $TempFolder + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$DllPath:` '" + $DllPath + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("[Init]: `$global:DownloadPackage`: '" + $global:DownloadPackage + "'")
$cs.Job_WriteLog("Enable local Administrator")
Enable-LocalUser -Name 'Administrator' -ErrorAction:Ignore
Set-LocalUser -Name 'Administrator' -Password ($global:encpass | ConvertTo-SecureString -key $global:aeskey) -AccountNeverExpires
$cs.Job_WriteLog("Successfully enabled local Administrator")
Exit-PSScript $Error
catch {
$line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
$cs.Job_WriteLog("*****************","Something bad happend at line $($line): $($_.Exception.Message)")
Exit-PSScript $_.Exception.HResult
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PowerPack tips and examples
PowerPack tips and examples
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Using passwords in CapaInstaller Scripting Library
Using passwords in CapaInstaller Scripting Library
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Using passwords in CapaInstaller Scripting Library
Using passwords in CapaInstaller Scripting Library
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Using passwords in CapaInstaller Scripting Library
Using passwords in CapaInstaller Scripting Library
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Using passwords in CapaInstaller Scripting Library
Using passwords in CapaInstaller Scripting Library
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