Best practice of using SQL Reporting Services

Best practice of using SQL Reporting Services


Working with reports for several years has given us the possibility to provide and share our best practice guidance in this area.



Define an administrator of the site

Point out a person to be responsible for the management of this site, to ensure the structure created will be maintained and continually useful.

The life cycle for reports

Some reports may live for a week others for a year. Due to the fact that several different people might use the report differently, it is important to ensure a process for managing, deploying, using, deleting, and retiring report is created and used.

Tree view structure

It is important to create a structure on the Report Manager website which is easy to use and will add value to the business. Ask the users of the report on how they will use the reports.

Define useful user groups and folders

Based on the needs of a business logical folder must be created. Ensure names are logical and recognizable.

Setup security

Different business areas are allowed to use different information. After the creation of the structure, and before going live, ensure the security is set up correctly.


Make sure the business is informed about the Report Manager website and the area you have created for them. Follow up on the feedback and continue to improve the reports to meet the needs of the users. Having reports and data available is essential for effective management, but if you do not know the information is available, you cannot use it.