Upgrade (from non-BAADS)

Upgrade (from non-BAADS)


This document will cover the upgrade from an SMB based Distribution Server made in version 5.7 (DS57) or earlier to an HTTP based Distribution Server made in version 5.8 (DS58) or newer.


The HTTP approach of the DS58 does not use the Synchronization Service (CiSync) to update files from the Management Server. Instead, by using either the Fetch or FetchAndPreload modes, it can deliver files that are binarily equal to those stored on the Management Server. This is a huge step forward because an updated (or new) software package is available on the fly. This means that an outdated software package never will be handed over to a client, the moment it is replaced on the Management Server. By utilizing a Front-end Server in the DMZ that is available as a public URL for the client computers and the DS58, there is also no need for a direct SQL connection in a remote location (via the CiSync and the Data Connection Service).

How to upgrade

To begin with, the DS57 must have a BaseAgent (BA) version 5.8 or newer installed and the HWInventory package must be run so that the Hardware inventory (in the Configuration Management plugin) can show the BaseAgent version of 5.8.x.x. or newer;

Then, in the System plugin, right-click the DS57. The popup-menu will show the 'Upgrade to Base Agent Distribution Server...'. If a 5.8 BaseAgent is not detected, the menu item will be greyed out and the tooltip will inform you of the BaseAgent requirements.

When you have the adequate BaseAgent installed on the DS57, the menu item will be enabled. Click it.

The BaseAgent name is already filled out and you can then fill out the rest of the Distribution Server properties for the new DS58. (See Deployment)

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