


The Thinstall section is used to identify the virtual application that has to be deployed.

Source section


How to

Program folder name

Enter the name of the folder in which the program folder items should be created

Program folder item

Define the items that should be added to the program folder


Register file extensions and program associations

Process name

Define the processes that have to be closed when uninstalling


Specify compression type

Small or fast


Add expiration date if needed. If the expiration is defined a vb script is generated and the Thinstall package rebuild


Specify isolation mode

WriteCopy ** - System elements at this location will be visible to application. If a system element and virtual element exist at the same location, the application will see the virtual element.
- modifications to virtual elements go to sandbox
- modifications to system elements go to sandbox
- New elements will be created in the sandbox
- System elements at this location will be visible to application
If a system element and virtual element exist at the same location, the application will see the virtual element.
- modifications to virtual elements go to sandbox
- modifications to system elements go to system
- New elements will be created on the system
*Full *

- System elements at this location will not be visible to application

- modifications to virtual elements go to sandbox

- system elements cannot be read or modified

- New elements will be created in the sandbox

Sandbox location

The sandbox can either be located per user or per machine. If the Sandbox is located per user it is stored in the users profile. If the Sandbox is located per machine it is stored on the systems and is common for all users

Can be done pr. user or by computer

AD integration

Definition of who can open the program

Note: Creating a Thinstall package the source always has to point at the bin folder in temp. E.g C:\Temp\Adobe Reader 7.0.5\bin

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