


Creates the computer as a unit in the management point, and uploads basic hardware inventory.

The function will map the management point as a networkdrive (S:), create a rfc file to clear existing inventory if it exist, wait for it to be processed by the replicator service, and finally execute the WinPeInvetory script to collect hardware inventory and upload it.

(info) The function will detect if the prestage web service is enabled, and in this case upload inventory through this service.


No arguments provided.

Return Type

Boolean, TRUE if function completed successfully.


Typically used in the PreDiskPartScript.wsf to allow the replicator to process inventory while harddrive is being partitioned and formatted.


The following example will check if a management point is specified, and upload inventory.

Private Function IncludeScript(sScriptFile)
End Function

  If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeScript("customlib.cis")
  If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeLibrary("Capalib.cin")
  If bStatus Then bStatus=IncludeLibrary("Osdlib.cin")
  If bStatus Then bStatus=Job_Start("WS","Script Name","1.0","ScriptName.log","INSTALL")
  If bStatus Then bStatus=OSD_Initialize()

  If bStatus and gsManagementPoint <> "" Then bStatus=CMS_SubmitWinPEInventory()

'End main

See Also

IncludeScript function

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