Sets access right for a trustee on a directory
sRight can be one of the following values:
- F: Full Control
- C: Change
- R: Read
- X: Execute
- E: Read Execute
- W: Write
- D: Delete
Some names of Trustees has been localized, such as Power Users. In these cases you have to use the SID. If bIncludeSubDirs has been set to True, the parameter sDir will change to sDir & "*" e.g. from C:\Temp to C:\Temp*
If more than one access right needs to be applied the values must be added in the same sRight string e.g. "RW" to obtain Read and Write access on the Directory.
Security_SetDirPermissions(sDir, sTrustee, sRight, bIncludeSubDirs) As Boolean
sDir (String)
Name of the Directory
sTrustee (String)
A trustee is a user or group. Trustee can either be "Domainname/username" or a Well-known SID (Security Identifier)
sRight (String)
Access Right that should be set
bIncludeSubDirs (Boolean)
Include subdirectories (True/False)
If bStatus Then bStatus = Security_SetDirPermissions(gsProgramFiles & "\CapaInstaller\Logs","S-1-5-4", "F", True)
Related functions
Security functions Security_DenyDirAccess Security_RevokeDirPermissions