Startup logon Graph

Startup logon Graph


The following is an introduction to the startup/logon graph in CMS.
The startup/logon graph shows both startup and logon times of a computer. This graph uses columns to visualize the data, and each column represents either the startup time, logon time, or even both. The columns are colorized to make it easy to distinguish the two. Blue representing startup time and green representing logon time.
Because the two are related in that a logon is often a direct extension of a startup, it is made possible to stack the two on top of each other into one column, still retaining the colorization of each type. This will give you an easy overview of the time it takes from the user to start the computer until it is ready for use, which is the primary focus of most users.
Even though the total time is the most important value for the user, having both the startup and logon times available, will make it easier for administrators to locate the cause if a user reports long total startup/logon times.


In the above screenshot, you can see the startup/logon graph, zoomed in on the 13th of September to the 6th of October for a selected computer. Hovering the mouse over one of the columns will show the user name used to logon in a tooltip. This view is divided into three main sections which is described below.
Overview graph
In the bottom of the view, a small graph is shown which covers the current date and the previous 6 months. The earliest and latest dates are shown on the left and right sides, to show which period is available. If any data has been collected for the computer in this period, it can be seen here.  The part you have zoomed in on will be colored gray and marked with two vertical black lines as above.
Time period
The time period controls show what period is seen on the startup/logon graph. These controls will be updated with the correct values regardless of what caused the period to change. The period shown on the startup/logon graph will change according to any changes you make on these controls. The startup and logon checkboxes control what type of data is shown on the graph. If you want to only focus on the logon times you just uncheck the startup checkbox.
Startup/logon graph
On this graph, you can see startup and logon times, for the period indicated by the controls in the time period on the right. In the bottom right corner, the number of entries is displayed. The y-axis represents minutes, while the x-axis represents startup or logon entries.
You can change the time period directly on this graph as well. Clicking and holding the left mouse button, and then dragging to the right will move the graph backward in time. Dragging it to the right will do the opposite.
The information presented directly above the average graph represents data for the position of the mouse cursor. As you move the mouse over the graph, these information labels will be updated, and show the date as well as the startup and logon times for the entry which the column represents.

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