Install AutoSteps

Install AutoSteps

You can install PerformanceGuard AutoSteps on all Windows platforms, including application servers and Citrix servers.

The AutoSteps installation package is for computers with 64-bit operating systems. The AutoSteps version must match the operating system version. If you're in doubt about whether a computer has a 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system, look under Control Panel > System on the computer in question.

Quick Installation

The following Operationg Systems are supported for running AutoSteps

  • Windows 10 - 64 bit

  • Windows 8 / 8.1 - 64 bit

  • Windows 7 - 64 bit

    This HotFix from Microsoft must be installed on Windows 7 to be able to install AutoSteps

Other Requirements

  • The computer used for AutoSteps must also have a PerformanceGuard Agent version 7.3 or newer

  • The computer must have .NET 4.6.2 or newer installed

Double-click the installer (.msi) file to install the AutoSteps and follow the instructions to enable AutoLogon.


AutoLogon enables you to easily configure Windows' built-in autologon mechanism. Instead of waiting for a user to enter their name and password, Windows uses the credentials you enter with Autologon. The logon information is NOT stored securely on the computer therefore it is recommended that account as well as computer are restrcitied and use account impersonation where possible.

To allow the scripts to interact with the desktop, a user name and password must be configured. This is also used for Windows AutoLogon to ensure script execution after reboot. The logon information is not stored secure on the computer.

Example:Click thumbnail to view image in full size.

The installation usually takes less than a minute. There is no need to restart the computer after installation.

You will have to run AutoSteps application as it will not start automatically unless you restart the machine. Open the installation folder (usually c:\program files\performanceguard\autosteps) and run AutoSteps.exe AutoSteps icon will appear in Windows Notification area.

Command Line Installation

You can also install AutoSteps via a command line:
msiexec /i "PerformanceGuard AutoSteps.msi" AutoLogon_Username=xxxxxx AutoLogon_Password=xxxxxx
Replace xxxxxx with the user name and password that you want to use for installing AutoSteps.

Installation Options

If required, you can run the AutoSteps installation file with a number of parameters:

Silent Installation

If you install the AutoSteps to multiple client computers, you may want to keep the installation process completely transparent to the end users.

In that case, apply the /q (quiet) and /n (don't ask) parameters to the MSI installer command line when you install the agent:

msiexec /i "PerformanceGuard AutoSteps.msi" AutoLogon_Username=xxxxxx AutoLogon_Password=xxxxxx /qn

Complete List of installation Parameters

The following installation parameters must be specified for a silent installation:

AUTOLOGON_USERNAMEUser name of the windows account which will be used to run AutoSteps and AutoLogon to the computer.
AUTOLOGON_PASSWORDPassword of the windows account which will be used to run AutoSteps and AutoLogon to the computer.
AUTOLOGON_DOMAINIf the user is in a Domain, then this property must also be specified.
Domain name of the windows account which will be used to run AutoSteps and AutoLogon to the computer.


It's good to have a log file if you run into problems and need to contact PerformanceGuard support. The log file can help supporters quickly diagnose the problem. You generate the log file, called installLog.txt, with these parameters:

msiexec /i "PerformanceGuard AutoSteps.msi" AutoLogon_Username=xxxxxx AutoLogon_Password=xxxxxx /qn /L*v! installLog.txt


It is possible to repair the AutoSteps. This means that it is possible to re-install the files if the files have been corrupted or overwritten.
Example:Click thumbnail to view image in full size.

Example:Click thumbnail to view image in full size.

A repair will recover the files used by the AutoSteps, but won't change or modify the configuration for a given agent.


See AutoSteps Upgrade

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