Backend Server
Backend Server
- Martin Moghadam
Owned by Martin Moghadam
A technical walk-through of how the PerformanceGuard backend server works.
Backend Server Telnet Interface
The backend service exposes a Telnet interface. By default the Telnet server runs on port 4005, but the port number may be changed using the telnetPort parameter.
In order to log in to the backend service Telnet interface you need to supply the name and password of the PerformanceGuard administrator. By default this is
- User name: admin
- Password: admin
The following is a snapshot of a Telnet session, with the built-in command overview:
PerformanceGuard Backend Server login: admin password: ***** >help Commands: conf - Shows server configuration exit | quit - Exits this admin session help - Shows this message history - Shows history of commands jobs [cancel|start] - Lists/cancels/starts database aggregate jobs log [level] [regexp] - Shows server log, where level is INFO,FINE or FINEST (level must be at least what is in logging.properties) refresh - Refreshes configuration/filters select ... - Executes database request shutdown - Shuts down the server stat [code] - Shows server statistics recv - Shows receivers alarms - Shows number of alarms sent - Shows number of sent notifications fail - Shows number of failed notifications data secs - Shows data counters test - Send test notification e-mail to default receiver test name - Send test notification e-mail to named receiver status - Shows database & time status version - Shows server version dump [variable] - Dump internal data cache - Dump internal cache server - Dump server connections - Dump ConnectionPool and the corresponding thread information ![number] - Re-executes the command 'number' ee - List the Id and filter running in the eventengine. list - List the running filters in the event engine and their id number. list [number] - Dump the state of a specific filter/container with the 'number' count - list the number of events sendt around in the event engine. pool - list the thread pool data. dispatch - list the event receivers subscribing to event types from the dispatcher. tick - list the number of event send from the TimeTickDispatcher and the latest send time. info - list the event statistic from on the event dispatcher. info [num] - list the count of the different events going through event dispatcher. dump [number] - Dump the state of a specific filter/container with the 'number' path [number - Output the information path to a given event receiver/container with the 'number' notify [number]- Triggers a event container to send a event notification. conf [number] - Output the configuration of the elements of the event path. test - List the test available to run on the event engine. test [number] - Run the test. clean [number] - Removes the stored data in a filter/container. diff timestamp - Calculates difference to currenttime. >
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