PerformanceGuard Backend Server
login: admin
password: *****
conf - Shows server configuration
exit | quit - Exits this admin session
help - Shows this message
history - Shows history of commands
jobs [cancel|start] - Lists/cancels/starts database aggregate jobs
log [level] [regexp] - Shows server log, where level is INFO,FINE or FINEST
(level must be at least what is in
refresh - Refreshes configuration/filters
select ... - Executes database request
shutdown - Shuts down the server
stat [code] - Shows server statistics
recv - Shows receivers
alarms - Shows number of alarms
sent - Shows number of sent notifications
fail - Shows number of failed notifications
data secs - Shows data counters
test - Send test notification e-mail to default receiver
test name - Send test notification e-mail to named receiver
status - Shows database & time status
version - Shows server version
dump [variable] - Dump internal data
cache - Dump internal cache
server - Dump server
connections - Dump ConnectionPool and the corresponding thread information
![number] - Re-executes the command 'number'
ee - List the Id and filter running in the eventengine.
list - List the running filters in the event engine and their id number.
list [number] - Dump the state of a specific filter/container with the 'number'
count - list the number of events sendt around in the event engine.
pool - list the thread pool data.
dispatch - list the event receivers subscribing to event types from the dispatcher.
tick - list the number of event send from the TimeTickDispatcher and the latest send time.
info - list the event statistic from on the event dispatcher.
info [num] - list the count of the different events going through event dispatcher.
dump [number] - Dump the state of a specific filter/container with the 'number'
path [number - Output the information path to a given event receiver/container with the 'number'
notify [number]- Triggers a event container to send a event notification.
conf [number] - Output the configuration of the elements of the event path.
test - List the test available to run on the event engine.
test [number] - Run the test.
clean [number] - Removes the stored data in a filter/container.
diff timestamp - Calculates difference to currenttime.