How to Update the Android Agent - On-Premise

How to Update the Android Agent - On-Premise


This article describes how to update the CapaInstaller Android Agent on your CapaInstaller Server. When you enroll an Android device, the Android Agent is either downloaded from the Play Store or from the CapaInstaller Server. 

The agent files are located in the CMP Points .\Resource\AndroidAgent folder.

Current CapaInstaller Android Agent version: CapaInstallerAgent 3.4.195.zip

Update Android Agent files On-Premise Installation

When you enroll an Android device, the MDM service provides the Android Agent. Follow the guide below to replace the files.

If you have more than one Configuration Management Point and enrol devices in them, you need to replace Android Agent files in all of the CMP's.
Update Android Agent On-Premise         
  1. Locate CMP Share

Open an admin command prompt on the Capa server and type "net share".

In this example, you can see two CMP points:

2. Browse to the folder.Open File Explorer and browse to CMP Share:\Resources\AndroidAgent
3. Overwrite Files

In AndroidAgent folder, replace the two files:

  • CapaInstallerAgent.apk (agent)
  • CapaInstallerAgent.json (version file)
4. Enrol deviceEnrol a test device to verify the Android Agent version is updated to the new version

Update Android Agent on Devices (Enterprise app)

To update the CapaInstaller Agent on devices, follow the below.

Update Android Agent on Devices        
  1. Create Android Enterprise App

In Capa Console, go to Configuration Management, select Device Application

Right-click and select Create Application

In the Android section, select Enterprise

2. Select the APK file

Click Browse and locate the Capainstalleragent.apk file

Click Open

Remove the check mark from "Add homescreen icon".

Type an Application Name and click OK

3. Link App to the Devices

Right-Click on the App, you just created and select add to buffer

Select the device(s) you want to update. Right-click and select Paste Profiles/Applications

Wait for Status to be Installed

4. Check the Android Agent has been update

Select a device and select the Software inventory tab.

Check the version of CapaInstaller Agent is the version you updated it to.

NB! It may take some time for software inventory to update. Sometimes you may see both the old and the new version until inventory is completed.

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