7.4 Release of Performance Guard
Download Current Release
Here you can download complete versions of Performance Guard including installation program and documentation.
Please note that from PerformanceGuard 7.4 you need a new license for the specific version.
If you install without the correct license file you will not be able to use the PerformanceGuard web interface.
Please contact CapaSystems to get your license file. The license can be installed before upgrading.
Server Build: 7.4.40010.0
Agent Build:
PerformanceGuard Agent 7.4 - 32 bit
PerformanceGuard Agent 7.4 - 64 bit
Release Notes
PerformanceGuard 7.4 Release Notes
Upgrading From Previous Versions
For information about how to upgrade the Performance Guard Server and agents, please refer to the documentation.
Database upgrade
When upgrading to this version of Performance Guard, the database upgrade procedure may in some cases take a few hours, the exact time will vary depending on specific configuration and the amount of data stored in the database.
With this release of PerformanceGuard you need to use Java JDK 8 update 181, and .Net Framework 4.x for the PerformanceGuard Server, for more information please refer to the documentation.