CapaWinUpgrade 4.3 - Release Notes

CapaWinUpgrade 4.3 - Release Notes

Released on July 15th 2021 - Updated on July 13th of 2021

New Features

It's now possible to use colored wallpaper on the dynamic installation screen, based on the result of a feature upgrade.

Setting the global variable gbUseColoredWallpaper to True in the “Post Upgrade” package will result in a green wallpaper when a feature upgrade is successfull and a red wallpaper when a feature upgrade has failed.

The wallpaper is always blue during the feature upgrade.


It’s now possible to show custom text on the dynamic installation screen, based on the result of a feature upgrade.

The value of the global variable gsInstScreenCustomerTextOnInstallation in the “Upgrade” package will be presented to the end-user during the feature upgrade.

The value of the global variable gsInstScreenCustomerTextOnError in the “Post Upgrade” package will be presented to the end-user when a feature upgrade has failed.

The value of the global variable gsInstScreenCustomerTextOnSuccess in the “Post Upgrade” package will be presented to the end-user when a feature upgrade has succeeded.

It’s now possible to show a warning prompt to the end-user, using the global variable gbShowCloseAppPrompt in the “Upgrade” package.

Setting the value to True will show the following prompt to the logged on user. The language can be controlled by setting the gsMessageBoxLanguage global variable value to either “DA” or “EN”.


The solution detects if the optional features containing Microsoft PDF printer and Microsoft XPS printer are enabled.

If the optional features are enabled, they are automatically disabled during the feature upgrade and are re-enabled afterwards.

It’s now possible to cache extracted installation files, using the “Download Content Package” package.

The “Post Install” package has been renamed to “Post Upgrade”


Technical Stuff

Known Issues

  • In very rare occasions, an “access denied” error is returned, because the C:\Windows\CIINST.BAK folder cannot be deleted. This is probably caused by permissions previously set on the folder, but we have not been able to replicate the issue. We are trying to avoid the issue, by taking ownership of the folder and setting full control permissions, before deleting the folder.

  • In some scenarios, an error saying “The installation screen could not start” is returned. We are currently investigating this issue (09-07-2021).

Download and Upgrade

As soon as you run the “Cloud Updater” package on your server, the new CapaWinUpgrade 4.3 will be available in your environment.

It doesn’t require any implementation etc. if you already have CapaWinUpgrade 4.2.


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