

 Activating a schedule

 How to activate and configure a schedule...
  • Right-click and select Schedule.
  • Check or uncheck the Enabled checkbox.
  • Click OK.

  • Select the date and time where this schedule will take effect.
    The start time defaults to the last time a change was made to the schedule.
  • Optionally select a date and time where the schedule will expire.
    By default, the schedule will never expire.

 Setting an Interval

 How to set up an time interval for execution...

Execution times can be restricted by configuring an interval. The interval is the period in time each day in which the schedule will be active.

  • Input a start time and an end time for the period each day where the scheduled object will be allowed to run
  • Optionally input a duration for each day where the schedule will be active. The values will adjust automatically to the correct interval time.

 Setting a schedule Recurrence

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Executions can be configured to repeat at a certain recurring rate. Recurrences define when executions of the scheduled object will occur.

  • Select a recurrence
    • Once. The schedule will run once. This is the default setting. This would be typical for the installation of a software package.
    • Periodical. The schedule will run periodically. The periods that can be configured are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

If Daily is selected, configure a number of days between executions by Recur every  day(s)

    • Always. This schedule will run every time an agent run is triggered. Typically used to keep critical inventory information updated.
  • Optionally check End after  occurences and input after how many runs the execution should stop.

Setting an Always recurring execution can result in a heavy load! When many computers contact the system it will create a peak in database and network activity!

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