Configuring the PXE Service

Configuring the PXE Service


This section will guide you through the deployment of an OS Deployment Service.

The OS Deployment Service is needed to support UEFI Boot, and it takes over from ciboot on legacy boot.

The OS Deployment Service cannot run at the same time as ciboot, and the OS Deployment service will stop ciboot when started.

 1 Select the PXE service to install

Select the PXE Boot service to install.

  • ciBoot service supporting only legacy PXE client's
  • ciOsdeploy service supporting Legacy and UEFI client's, using HTTP or SMB for client communication
 Install the CiBoot service.

  Configure the service. The default setting supports the most common devices

 Continue with cms integration
 Install the OsDeploy service

Make sure that the required prerequisites are met. If they are not, you are able to click the status link to create the missing requirements.


Choose the configuration needed for the Service


Create a PXE server, and start replying to DHCP requests.



 Configure the TFTP daemon 

Port Range: Start port number of the Port Range used by the TFTP Protocol

Local path: is the local path to the boot folder where the PXE boot files are located

Windows Count: Is the number of blocks sent before we expect an acknowledge from the client.

BlockSize: Is the size of the blocks sent from the service to the client.

These can increase the speed of transfer, but some devices do only support one block size and low window count.


Associate with TFTP Profiles.



  Create PXE Boot menu's and set CMS Integration.